We have contributed to a new Carbon Literacy Training course which will give local businesses the knowledge and tools to become more sustainable for the future.
Developed by Barnsley Council and the Positive Climate Partnership’s Task and Finish Group – which features ourselves and Barnsley College alongside Enzygo, Enterprising Barnsley and South Yorkshire Climate Alliance – the course offers a comprehensive understanding of causes and impacts of climate change.
It also delves into carbon footprints, positive actions and real-life case studies of organisations who have already made progress on their net-zero carbon ambition, equipping attendees with the support to implement their own net-zero strategies.
We will be delivering the course as part of the council’s Advancing Digital Funding. The toolkit creation has been jointly funded by ourselves and Enzygo.
Sasha Beswick, Barnsley College’s Sustainability Officer, said: “Carbon Literacy has truly flourished at ITS and the College, equipping our staff with the knowledge, tools and motivation to reduce carbon emissions.
“Creating the Task and Finish group as part of the PCP has helped us take climate education out of the College and into the wider community, contributing to our vision of transforming lives.
“I am very proud of all the work we’ve contributed towards this important initiative, and I look forward to seeing this in practice all over Barnsley.”
Read more and sign up for the course.