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Health & Social Care

Course Type

Short Courses


ITS Training and Apprenticeships

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As people age they become more and more susceptible to falls, and the statistics are startling. Six people over the age of 65 years fall every minute in the UK. That’s 10,000 falls every single day. The personal costs can be devastating, including broken bones, reduced mobility, lost confidence and fear. In fact, the fear of falling again can be more debilitating than the physical injuries caused by a fall, with many people retreating into social isolation. As a result, falls are one of the major reasons why an older person has to move into residential care. The reassuring news is that many falls are preventable with the right support and interventions in place. This course aims to increase people’s awareness of falls and why they happen. It will also provide candidates with a comprehensive overview of the many strategies that can be used to prevent falls from happening.

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Fill in your information to apply for this course. The information you provide on this application form may be passed to funding bodies, in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, and may be shared with other training providers and possible employers for the purpose of administration, statistical and research purposes.

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